Migrant Arrivals in Greece Increase after Failed Coup Attempt in Turkey

Novinite.com – The number of migrants arriving in Greece has increased following the failed July 15 coup attempt in Turkey. According to Greek government data cited by AFP, the average rate of migrant arrivals has increased to 90 people per day, from 30 before the attempted coup. AFP quoted a Greek government source as saying that the rise in the number of migrant arrivals, could be ‘temporary’ and there was ‘no concern’ on part of the government.

EU: Don’t Send Syrians Back to Turkey

Human Rights Watch – Lack of Jobs, School, Health Care Spurs Poverty, Exploitation: Delays in registration and limited implementation of temporary protection policies in Turkey mean that many Syrian refugees are left without effective protection or access to jobs and services that they desperately need, Human Rights Watch said today. As long as Turkey remains burdened by overwhelming numbers of refugees and unable to provide sufficient protection and security for all, the European Union should not be sending Syrian refugees back to Turkey.

Dispatches: Greece’s Refugee “Hotspots” Breeding Violence

Human Rights Watch – Meanwhile on the other side of the sea: Women, Children Fearful, Unprotected; Lack Basic Shelter: (Athens) – Police are failing to protect people during frequent incidents of violence in closed centers on the Greek islands known as “hotspots,” Human Rights Watch said today. The centers were established for the reception, identification, and processing of asylum seekers and migrants. None of the three centers Human Rights Watch visited on Samos, Lesbos, and Chios in mid-May 2016, separate single women from unrelated adult men, and all three are unsanitary and severely overcrowded.

Reporting on the Turkish-EU Border Regime