Via Gazete Duvar (Link in Turkish) – Following the wall constructed at the Syrian border, Turkey will build a new wall at the Iranian border. The distance between Ağrı and Iğdır will be closed by a 70 kilometer wall and the rest will be covered with wire looms and towers.
According to Abdulkadir Selvi, a columnist from Hürriyet newspaper, Turkey is preparing to close the Iranian border on the grounds of PKK. For this aim, the border will be covered with concrete wall, iron barb wire and watch towers.
Via Tagesschau (link in German) – Around 400 Turkish Soldiers and Diplomats including their families applied for asylum in Germany since the attempted coup in Turkey. Now the first applications have been positively decided on: Several soldiers and their families got asylum in Germany.
According to unofficial information the ‚Federal Office for Migration and Refugees’ (BAMF) might have waiting for after the referendum to take a decision. Officially the BAMF is denying this information. The decision could have a signal effect for other European countries who as well got asylum requests from Turkish citizens.
Written by David Lagarde, published in Anthology Hypotheses 15th February – This field report is part of a project of doctoral research into the networks and dynamics of Syrian exile to Jordan. This research is based on longitudinal monitoring of an ordinary group of refugees from Deir Mqaren – a village in the Rif Dimashq Governorate – and its aim is to analyze and understand the population’s “diasporization” process. Another of its objectives is to show how cross-border trade circulation initiated by the men of Deir Mqaren during the Ottoman era has influenced the migratory paths taken by all the families of the village since 2011. Continue reading Syrian refugees’ journey from Jordan to Germany→
Via Open Democracy(from 16th April) – Nil Mutluer on the western gaze on Turkish politics and those fleeing its consequences:
“In Turkey’s story, the western gaze is searching for new victims. Yes, I fled Turkey with my three year old daughter, but am I that victim? Well, I am a ‘scholar at risk’, that much is true enough. Although I have been active in various feminist and human rights circles and have been working on issues regarding democratization for almost two decades, I have officially gained that status thanks to one modest political act in a whole lifetime: I joined over a thousand other colleagues – Academics for Peace – in signing a peace petition, “We will not be a Party to This Crime”, which called on the Turkish state to cease its accelerating violence in the Kurdish provinces and respect domestic and international laws. Continue reading Turkey’s ‘special refugees’→
Via Gazete Karinca(Link in Turkish) – The Turkish NGO, Halkların Köprüsü Derneği (HKD), held a press statement on May 6, 2017 in order to draw attention to the outrageous conditions that the refugees detained in Harmandalı Deportation Center in İzmir were exposed. After the news footage of the refugees in the Center crying for help reflected in the press, a number of NGOs, including HKD moved to inspect the Center and yet, were refused to a permission of entry. The lawyers’ entry to inspect the conditions of refugees was also prevented by the Governorship of İzmir.
Laut dem Bericht der Human Rights Joint Platform sind nach dem Militärputschversuch zwischen dem 21. Juli 2016 und 20. April 2017 123.518 Beamte per Dekret entlassen worden. Am 29. April wurde ein neues Dekret veröffentlicht. Die Zahl ist größer geworden. Die Entlassenen dürfen nicht mehr im Staasdienst tätig sein.
Akademikerin Nuriye Gülmen und Lehrer Semih Özakça, die täglich seit 177 Tagen gegen ihre Entlassung, für die Aufhebung ihres widerrechtlichen und ungeregechten Arbeitsverbots, in Ankara protestieren. Sie sind zusätzlich seit 57 Tagen in den unbefristeten Hungerstreik getreten.
Wir, Mitglieder von Academics for Peace, werden für die Solidarität mit Nuriye Gülmen und Semih Özakça in den Hungerstrike treten.
Via EU Observer – The Greek government is giving cash incentives for rejected asylum seekers on the islands to forgo their legal rights to appeal their cases. Some €1,000 and free plane tickets home are now part of a largely EU-financed package to send them packing as quickly as possible.
The money is part of the pre-existing programme but the decision to deny people who appeal their cases to the funds was recently made by the Greek ministry of migration policy.
Via ECCHR – The work of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) on the Greek Islands not only lacks a legal basis, it also fails to respect core standards of fairness. This is the conclusion of the ECCHR after analyzing a series of admissibility interviews conducted by EASO officers at the “Hotspots” in Greece. ECCHR has therefore submitted a complaint against EASO to the European Ombudsman requesting the suspension of EASO’s involvement in admissibility interviews and the limitation of its activities to conduct not in breach of EU law.
Via Rami Jarrah – Zena Mukayed, an English teacher who taught at a kinder garden in Istanbul was detained on the 10th of February 2017 by Turkish security forces, she was renewing her residence permit when the incident took place and was transferred to a foreigners detention facility with no reasons presented around her detainment to this date.