Welcome to HarekAct!

This blog-project is the collective work of a group of researchers and (no border) activists from Turkey, Austria and Germany active in networks such as kritnet (Network for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies), GAR (Migration Researchers’ Platform, Turkey), Mülteci-Der, borderline-europe, and bordermonitoring.eu.

We decided to set up the blog „HarekAct – Reporting on the Turkish-EU Border Regime“ – a combination of the Turkish word „hareket“ (movement) and the english word „act“. It will aim at contributing to a critical and analytical knowledge production on the question of migration in general, with a focus on the case of Turkey in particular.

Hence, this blog will serve as a collective platform to monitor, increase and share various debates and information on migration, asylum and border issues primarily in Turkey as well as on the general European context as far as it is connected to Turkey. Thus, by creating a  network among researchers, activists, journalists and other people who are involved in these issues, we aim at providing a reliable and critical source that elaborates on struggles, practices and discussions of migration related to Turkey.

HarekAct is a collective project meant as an offer to other networks, activists and researchers who will be able to use it by providing contributions that will be published on the blog, adding to contributions by our existing network.

We are therefore inviting you to send to us information on developments, activities and events concerning the Turkish-EU migration regime and related topics. This could include information, short texts, reports of your group, pictures, links to your blog posts, scientific papers or other relevant contributions. Please send your contributions to: harekact@bordermonitoring.eu