OpenTheIslands video on the unbearable situation in the EU-hotspot Moria on Lesvos. Winter is approaching and thousands of refugees are still trapped in the horrible conditions of Moria
All posts by harekact
Serbia Ignores UN and Extradites Kurd to Turkey
Via Balkan Insights – Serbia has extradited a Kurdish activist, Cevdet Ayaz, to Turkey, despite the UN Committee Against Torture saying Serbia should not forcibly remove him until procedures before this body ended.
“His brother called me this morning from Istanbul and told me he got information from the police station that Ayaz was extradited,” his lawyer, Ana Trkulja, said on Tuesday. Continue reading Serbia Ignores UN and Extradites Kurd to Turkey
Unrealisable promises? #OpenTheIslands Lesvos Update (11.12.2017)
OpenTheIslands Network – The situation for refugees in Lesvos remains critical. As weather conditions worsen and winter approaches, Moria camp still ‘houses’ three times more people than capacity allows. With a capacity of around 2300 people, Moria camp now has almost 7000 people inside. From the promised 5000 transfers to the mainland until December 15th only a few hundred actually happened so far. If and how it will be possible to transfer several thousand people in the next five days is a questions yet to be answered. Continue reading Unrealisable promises? #OpenTheIslands Lesvos Update (11.12.2017)
The trials against the Academics for Peace in Turkey continue!
More Information on the Trials against the Academics for Peace:
Lesvos mayor files suit over conditions at Moria migrant camp
Via Ekathimerini – The mayor of the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos has filed suit against all responsible parties over the conditions at the Moria refugee and migrant processing center, claiming that the law is being broken at the government-run facility, which is supervised by the military.
His action comes two days after foreign media published videos shot covertly inside the camp and showing the squalor and cramped conditions to which thousands of refugees and migrants are being subjected. Continue reading Lesvos mayor files suit over conditions at Moria migrant camp
Group of 32 Turkish civilians set to seek political asylum in Greece
Via Ekathimerini – A group of 32 Turkish citizens who reached Chios island on the weekend are expected to apply for political asylum in Greece, Kathimerini understands.
All state workers or teachers, the Turks claimed they feared persecution in their country, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a purge of the civil service and armed forces after a failed coup in 2016. Continue reading Group of 32 Turkish civilians set to seek political asylum in Greece
The reality of legal employment to refugees in Turkey: lack of access and discrimination
Via ECRE – The NGO Refugees International has published a report entitled “I Am Only Looking for My Rights: Legal Employment Still Inaccessible to Refugees in Turkey”. Through a field research, refugees’ testimonies and an analysis of the applicable legal and policy provisions, the report examines the challenges and consequences that refugees face when they seek employment in Turkey. Continue reading The reality of legal employment to refugees in Turkey: lack of access and discrimination
The Evolution of Afghan Migration in Istanbul

By Yiğit Seyhan
For Afghan refugees, Turkey is seen either as a bridge to reach Europe or as a country of immigration in which they want to settle and join their friends and relatives. The continuation of war, conflict and poverty in Afghanistan pushes millions of them to seek a life in other countries. The beginning of Afghan immigration towards Turkey goes back to the first half of the 1980s. Turkish authorities initiated the settlement of a few thousand Afghan refugees with ‘Turkish origin and culture’, including Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Hazara origins. Turkey had already signed the Geneva Convention in 1951, but it still preserves the geographical limitation and thus does not give the refugee status to people coming from outside Europe. However, it also implements the 1934 Law on Settlement (İskan Kanunu) and uses the flexibility of this legal framework. According to this law, persons of Turkish ethnic descent and culture can immigrate, settle in Turkey and eventually receive Turkish citizenship. Such initiatives have contributed to the long-term settlement of Afghans in Turkey, and thus Turkey is perceived as a possible immigration country by Afghans. Continue reading The Evolution of Afghan Migration in Istanbul
Former police officer, wife, 2 children detained near Greek border
Via The Turkey Purge – A former police chief, identified as E.S., was detained along with his wife and two children while they were allegedly escaping to Greece. Former vice president of the intelligence department at Eskisehir Police Headquarters, E.S. and his family were stopped by gendarmerie in Edirne’s Ipsala district. Continue reading Former police officer, wife, 2 children detained near Greek border
4 children, 8 adults detained near Turkey’s Greek border
Via The Turkey Purge – At least 12 people were detained near Turkey’s Greek border in the western province of Edirne, according to state-run Anadolu news agency. Anadolu said Friday that gendarmerie stopped 12 people in a prohibited military zone in Yeni Karpuzlu neighborhood in Edirne.
The detainees were identified as A.S., a former public servant who was dismissed from the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK); A.S., a former public servant at the Ministry of Family and Social Policies; H.İ.İ, a former chemistry teacher dismissed from his/her job at a high school; E.I., an agricultural engineer dismissed from the District Directorate of Agriculture in Ankara’s Golbasi district; and S.K., a high school personnel. Continue reading 4 children, 8 adults detained near Turkey’s Greek border