People trapped on the Greek Islands are deprived of basic rights
Via Deportation Monitoring Aegean andLegal Centre Lesbos –Since the EU-Turkey Statement, more and more people seeking protection in Europe are deported directly from the Greek Islands to Turkey. According to the European Commission, at least 2,224 people have been deported to Turkey since the implementation of the EU-Turkey deal on 20th of March 2016.
Via Daily Sabah – Workers at a camp for migrants on the Greek island of Lesbos said Friday they will go on strike to protest overcrowding, as the government conceded conditions were “near impossible.”
This article was originally published by Daily Sabah.
in Elazıg province of Turkey, starting from a fight between two groups, the tension between locals and Syrians turns into racist attacks on Syrians’ shops in Sanayi district on 5th and 6th of September.
Via Ahval – Emigration from Turkey increased by 42.5 percent in 2017 compared to the previous year, with 253,640 people leaving the country, more than 40 percent of them aged between 20 and 34, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said on Wednesday.
Via Ahval –Turkey should seek outside help, rather than trying to handle on its own a possible influx of Syrian refugees due to Syrian government’s expected military offensive in the northwestern city of Idlib, Kemal Kirişci, director of the Brookings Institute Center on the United States and Europe’s Turkey Project, wrote on Thursday.
Via UNHCR – This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Charlie Yaxley – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency is today urging the Government of Greece to address the situation in Aegean Sea Reception and Identification Centres (RICs), commonly known as ‘hotspots’.
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ViaKeep Talking Greece – Unknown perpetrators on the island of Lesvos have completely destroyed the memorial dedicated to the refugees who have lost their lives in the Aegean Sea.
They have even removed the base of the memorial made of concrete.
Via ERCI – With great concern we witness and observe the ongoing investigation regarding members of ERCI. We categorically deny the accusations while we are alarmed by seeing reports mentioning that the total amount of 30 individuals who are involved in the case belong to our organisation something that can’t be verified by the official case file. Οn the contrary, within the group of the 30 individuals, there are people of other NGOs or independent volunteers involved in the ongoing investigation.
Αs soon as they were called, the staff and volunteers of ERCI came before the authorities in Lesvos voluntarily and in accordance to the requests, to provide explanations and be questioned about the current investigation.