Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Speech by Çetin Gürer

Academics for Peace (Barış İçin Akademisyenler) (picture by Sedat Yağcıoğlu)

In occasion of the awarding of the Aachen Peace Price on 1st September 2016 to Academics for Peace, we post the content of the speech by Çetin Gürer. You can find the speech on the homepage of the Aachen Peace Price (in Turkish and German). Continue reading Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Speech by Çetin Gürer

Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Speech by Esra Mungan

Academicians for Peace (Barış İçin Akademisyenler) (picture by Sedat Yağcıoğlu)

In occasion of the awarding of the Aachen Peace Price on 1st September 2016 to Academics for Peace, we post the content of the speech by Esra Mungan. You can find the speech on the homepage of the Aachen Peace Price (in Turkish and German).

Continue reading Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Speech by Esra Mungan

Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Laudatory Speech by Georg Restle

The honorees of the Aachen Peace Price 2016: Academics for Peace and Citizens’ Initiative Open Heath (picture by Aachener Friedenspreise e.V.)

In occasion of the awarding of the Aachen Peace Price on 1st September 2016 to Academics for Peace, we post a shortened version of the laudatory speech by Georg Restle, managing editor and host of the German political TV magazine Monitor. You can find the speech on the homepage of the Aachen Peace Price (in German).

Continue reading Aachen Peace Price for Academics for Peace – Laudatory Speech by Georg Restle

Greece sends 70 refugees back to Turkey

ORF.at (link in German) – A vessel from the European border agency Frontex brought 70 refugees from the Greek island Lesvos to the turkish town Dikili. It’s the first big repatriation since the EU deal with Turkey from April.
According to the Greek ministry for citizens protection the refugees were all men, 50 of them from Pakistan and other from Sri Lanka, Algeria and Morocco. They either didn’t apply for Asylum or they Asylum application had been rejected.

Turkey blocks Syrian refugees from resettlement in the US – for having degrees

The Guardian – Turkish officials argue the most vulnerable deserve priority resettlement. Some question whether a degree makes refugees less vulnerable.

More than 1,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey have been blocked from resettlement in the US and other countries because they have university qualifications. The refugees were approved for resettlement by American officials, before being blocked – sometimes just days before their departure date – by the Turkish authorities.


KAOS GL – The report entitled “Tekin Olmayı Beklerken: LGBTI Mültecilerin Ara Durağı Türkiye” which was prepared by Kaos GL Association reveals life of Iranian refugees in Turkey.  While the report focuses on the daily life, access to the fundamental rights, and discrimination in governmental agencies and society, it is emphasized that LGBT refugees are exposed to physical and oral violence and harassment.

Reporting on the Turkish-EU Border Regime